Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Fish Casts a Wide Net but Catches Very Little

In Stanley Fish's Save the World on Your Own Time, higher education is under attack. It's under attack by neoliberals and neoconservatives alike, all wishing to purpose and indoctrinate their ideologies on their students. What's hard about Stanley Fish's book is that a lot of his arguments follow fairly sound logic, even agreeable logic at times. My purpose in this blog isn't to outline exactly what it is that I agree with or disagree with--that argument would require much more space than I have here--but instead to focus on the last two chapters in his book. One focuses on funding and the other acts as a quick bowtie that includes two rebuttals, or voices from the opposition. Fish casts a wide net with Save the World on Your Own Time and, though he catches very little in my opinion, there are some logically sound arguments I think we should be discussing all day, every day.

I won't try to understand how a university is ran, how money is moved, how it is attained, where it goes, etc., but what I can say is that I agree with Fish on one thing: public perception makes or loses money for a university. There's a strong opinion, specifically from Republicans, that students are wasting their time in college, especially at liberal arts schools, like Ball State. They pander on their media soapboxes, write blogs and articles for Breitbart, and podcasters like Alex Jones work hard to persuade their audiences that higher education is bloated and a money pit for the public.

In chapter six, I felt there might be some solutions to academia's struggle for cash and fighting public perception. Albeit, these are two solutions Fish thinks will never be implemented. We can all agree that his lack of faith might be a ploy to move academics to action, like a truth or dare. One solution is to educate the public on the happenings of a university. This comes with a catch for it would then make colleges and universities "accountable" (159). Educating the public and then hoping for more public funding would indeed make universities more accountable. However, as Fish points out later, academics are too soft. We must stand up to the challenge, play the offensive, and not be afraid to be aggressive. I like this idea. And when it comes to funding and public perception, what better way than to be bold? Educating citizens, particularly ones outside the realm of academia, could then enable universities to justify and boldly ask for more funding, funding that could, in theory, lessen the cost for its students (even though, as Fish points out, not much of student funding goes to the school).

So should we be more aggressive when confronting false public perceptions? I absolutely think so. The people that downplay the importance of a higher education are the same ones who think we all sit around safely in arm chairs typing away on social media, attacking anyone we disagree with, when, in reality, we're in the business of fighting ignorance. Aren't we? Well, I agree with Fish on this one, we're still losing. I want to add again that I know absolutely very little on the administration side of higher ed but, as Fish details, the very same administration I'm criticizing here are the ones that have the power to confront politicians, to treat them as equals, and to show a sort of bipartisan (I don't like that word but it works here) effort to work together. We have a student loan crisis and students are not confident in their decisions to come to college since the real world is telling them to get a real job. We need to work on that.  


  1. Keith,

    I also agree that we we need to confront false public perceptions. Today in my class, we were talking about poverty, and my students were shocked about the poverty that professors can experience, and we spent time looking up salaries and talking about the insecurity that comes in higher education. I think this tactic also is important to get student advocacy as well to help them realize how funding plays out.

  2. Keith,

    I completely agree that we need to play a more active role in changing public perceptions of the university. There is so much false information out there that is used for political agendas regardless of if it is accurate or not. I've tried to implement more lessons about the real state of education within my own lessons in my mentor's class. Just today we discussed grading work at the university level and dispelled common misconceptions about grades as motivation and assessment tools. Even that seems like a small win against the system.

    I think this political attack on higher education funding stems from this idea that all of us are liberals attempting to indoctrinate our students. We need to do a better job of fighting against this assumption that's been thrust upon us by people who want to push their own political agendas (I'm looking at you Evan Maloney from Indoctrinate U).

  3. Keith,

    When reading your post, I kept thinking of all the misconceptions about higher education that my family has.

    "Oh wow, you want to teach college students? You're gonna be rich!"
    "You teach at a university? Are you a liberal? Are you neutral in the
    "You teach writing? I bet your students' grammar is horrible. You don't want
    to fix that for the rest of your life"

    I completely agree that we need to educate the public on what we do, but sometimes, I ask myself, "Who is going to listen?" I think it even more important when it comes to teaching writing. The public perception on what happens in an FYC course impacts our students tremendously. They enter the classroom viewing themselves as bad writers because the public views an entry-level writing course as a fix-it shop for bad writers. And then, when we teach students how to evaluate arguments and source material, we are at fault for preaching a liberal agenda.

    I think part of the problem is that the public views higher education as a neutral place that gives students information, which gets them a degree, which gets them a job. Anything other than that wrong. So when students leave the academy a bit more "liberal" than they were before (I sure did), we have done something wrong as educators. So while I agree with Fish, I have a different approach to viewing the misconceptions of higher education.

  4. Hi Keith,

    I think challenging students and the public to confront other viewpoints is extremely important. One mindblowing story that I heard from another of our office mates is that one of their students didn't even think racism existed anymore. It is important--both inside and outside--academia, to stay firm on our definition of composition's ontology. For me, this class has served to solidify a viewpoint that composition needs to focus on content that challenges student to look at perspectives different than their own. We must also fight that false perception and do a better job at communicating or advertising what our composition classrooms and duties look like to our colleagues.
